Biofield Tuning

A Sound Approach to Healing

With sound, I help you relieve stress and improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.

What Is Biofield Tuning?

Biofield Tuning is a sound healing method using the frequency produced by tuning forks for targeted nervous system relaxation.

Biofield Tuning helps to alleviate a wide range of energetic, emotional, and physical issues. Working on your body and in the area around your body, your biofield, we use the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to assist the body to "tune" itself by relaxing, softening, settling, and releasing tension in your body and ultimately in your life.

In Biofield Tuning we have mapped the anatomy and physiology of the human biofield which we indicate as a toroidal shape approximately six feet outward from and around the body. Your biofield holds your memories and experiences of your life which are vibrationally coded and accessible there.

Biofield Tuning Sessions

  • 1:1 and group sessions are offered in-person in Tulum and the surrounding areas of Mexico

  • Recorded remote sessions allow you to experience all of the therapeutic benefits of a healing session with the added benefit of receiving while in the comfort of your own space.

Biofield Tuning sessions address a wide variety of issues. We can discuss what has brought you to Biofield Tuning as well as where in the field or on the body that the session guides us to work.

Biofield Tuning is a safe and relaxing healing modality but there are a few things to be aware of. Please read about the cautions + guidance and get in touch with any questions.

“So incredibly soothing and relaxing! Slept soundly and felt refreshed in the morning. Feel very peaceful.

Thank you Blythe!”

— Paula J

“ ... I want to thank you sooooo much! I have truly found a new me with your sound therapy sessions!! I have done two [recorded audio sessions] and LOVE them!!! So thank you!”

— Michelle

Receiving a Session

  • What To Expect During a Session

    A Biofield Tuning session is conducted in a similar way to a massage or reiki session with you laying down or sitting in a chair, fully clothed. During the session your only job will be to breathe and relax.

  • How You’ll Receive A Session

    Biofield Tuning sessions are offered as individual one-on-one sessions or for groups and on retreat. The sessions can be given in-person or at a distance. Distance sessions can also be recorded for you to replay.

  • Session Recommendations

    You can receive the benefits of Biofield Tuning after as little as 1 session but, if possible, it is recommended that you book at least three sessions initially in order to experience a more full effect of the work.

  • What To Expect After a Session

    When the session is over you will likely feel a sense of lightness and calm. You should drink lots of water and, if possible, take a bath or shower using a salt scrub, epsom salts or take a swim in the salt water.

Recorded Audio Sessions

Sometimes you just need a quick tune up!

Recorded audio sessions are great for when you recognize the signs that you need to bring more balance back into yourself, your actions, and your reactions.

Every audio session is themed and delivered with a particular intention, addressing physical, energetic, habitual, mental, and/or emotional challenges commonly experienced.

Get back into balance, encourage release of tension and resistance in your body, your mind, and in the energy you are moving within.

download a FREE SESSION!

What stories are you telling yourself and where are you sending your energy?