Recorded sessions allow you to experience all the therapeutic benefits of a private remote Biofield Tuning session. You can come back to the session whenever you need a tune up!

  • The recorded Biofield Tuning sessions are delivered by digital download straight to your email inbox. Once you complete the purchase the digital file will be delivered. You can then access the session to be listened to as often as you like! ⚡️

  • Yes! Just think of the feelings, emotions, sensations, memories, responses, and reactions that recorded music can bring to you when you listen to it, even over and over again. That’s a good comparison.

  • Each recorded Biofield Tuning session is themed and delivered with a particular intention, addressing physical, energetic, habitual, mental, and/or emotional challenges commonly experienced.

  • Biofield Tuning is a safe and relaxing healing modality but there are a few things to be aware of. Please read the Cautions + Guidance page outlining the considerations I follow in my Biofield Tuning practice.

  • To help the energies integrate and to support your healing please read my suggested After Session Care

“ ... I want to thank you sooooo much! I have truly found a new me with your sound therapy sessions!! I have done two [recorded audio sessions] and LOVE them!!! So thank you!”